You lot hear your phone ringing and you look down to see who it is, when you notice that your ain proper name shows up as the caller ID. Is it yourself calling from the time to come? Maybe just a glitch with your phone? The latter is far more possible, but there are likewise several other possibilities.

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Information technology's Probably a Spam Caller

Here's the about probable scenario: it's just a spammer or telemarketer spoofing the caller ID.

Instead of showing their own phone number on your caller ID, information technology shows your own phone number as a way to hibernate theirs. It seems counter-intuitive because it might raise more eyebrows, but they're betting that you're more likely to pick up the phone if the caller ID says "unknown", "private caller", or fifty-fifty your own phone number than if it says "Telemarketing, Inc".

In addition, while their phone number might be on a blacklist, your ain phone number most definitely isn't, and so it's a clever fashion to get around that roadblock.

Yous might take fifty-fifty seen phone numbers calling you that are very similar to your own number, and information technology might be off by just one or two numbers. This is also another method of spoofing and information technology'south probable a spammer or telemarketer on the other end.

It Could Only Exist a Bug, Though

Of grade, there could besides be any number of means that your phone could call itself by accident, and sometimes it could just be a problems in the software.

One user says that someone called him while he was on the telephone with someone else and instead of switching to the new telephone call and putting the current caller on concord, he concluded the call, which prompted his own phone to call itself.

This tin also happen with VoIP phones, where if y'all dial a number and so hang upwardly, the telephone call tin can go haywire and the phone will call itself instead, most likely because the phone knows that it needed to make a telephone call, simply didn't know who to call, so it simply calls itself.

If you lot have an iPhone, Siri has the ability to identify a call to your ain telephone. You can do this on purpose by telling Siri to "call myself". So, it's ever possible that Siri might mishear something yous say and phone call your ain phone, especially if you have Hey Siri enabled, where it's always listening for a command.

In Any Case, Just Don't Answer It

Whatever the cause may be, the best course of action to have is just only not answering information technology. After all, it's probably not you lot from the future, so you lot won't be missing an important phone call by leaving it unanswered. Nothing good or worthwhile will come up from answering your phone that shows your own number as the caller ID.

There are a few exceptions, of course. You might demand to purposely call your own number when you set up your voicemail or access certain carrier settings.

You can also telephone call yourself to exit of a meeting or gracefully bail on a bad date by using a service called IFTTT, only it uses its own phone number to call your phone whenever you need it to.

Image Credit: Jon Phillips/Flickr